About us
SOLO CELEB. | HTDG | by Leo Ku
《SOLO CELEB.》 SOLO 是獨唱、個⼈表演的意思。⽽CELEB. 是Celebrity的縮寫,解作知名⼈⼠,是以創作總監古巨基的另 ⼀⾝份命名《獨唱表演者》。《SOLO CELEB.》的設計概念來 ⾃於⾳樂、電影,為了突破傳統平⾯觀念,加⼊多種凹凸印刷 ⼿法令質感更豐富,持續以品牌傳遞出個⼈時尚的世界觀。
SOLO means “individual performances” & CELEB. implies“celebrity”.
The design concept of "SOLO CELEB." Intimates a "solo performer”, expressing Leo’s belief on music & movies. The designs of “SOLO CELEB.” is produced by a variety of techniques to enrich the clothing textures, breaking the traditional concept of design.
《HTDG》 ⾼端街頭時裝品牌《HTDG》,憑著古巨基 每季度獨有的概念和玩味⼗⾜的設計,結合上現今流⾏ 的High-Street 設計理念,其服飾以獨特的寬松剪裁作為 基礎,注⼊了耀眼的細節、圖案和設計,⼤膽⽽富玩味 的剪裁,突顯其反叛玩世的品牌態度。
The designs of fashion brand "HTDG" emerges the signatures of HTDG and its playful aesthetic. The collection features bold graphics and rainbow colors in oversized street-wear silhouettes and various mixed textures.